
Welcome to SWEP’s whistleblowing page. This reporting channel can be used to report any suspected or observed violations of the law or SWEP’s Business Principles.


If you are ever unsure about the right thing to do in a business situation or if you know of or suspect misconduct, you should firstly voice your concern to your manager or HR (if you are employed by SWEP), or, if you do business with SWEP, a member of the management at your location. 

But, if you are uncomfortable discussing the matter with these individuals, or their response is not adequate, you may ask a question or voice a concern through the Dover Hotline.

The Dover Global Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is administered by a third party and available in 17 languages. You can choose to submit your report to the Hotline anonymously, where local law permits.

Voicing your concerns contributes to our ethical culture and helps SWEP and Dover promptly address situations that could impact employees, other stakeholders, and our reputation.

Reach our hotline

Web - To ask questions or voice a concern via the web, navigate to Dover Hotline.

Phone - In most countries, you can dial a toll-free, local number. To find your local number, navigate to Dover Hotline. and select "report by phone".